Hello! - First Post

Hi! Welcome to the my blog, I had been intending to open this up for some time now but recently recieved some personal impetus to hurry it up.
This blog will contain articles regarding programming, video games and any other topic that happens to interest me enough to get me to write something about it.

The articles on this site will often be written in multiple languagues (currently English and Turkish). I’d recommend those who are biliingual or polyglots to spend the time reading both versions of the article if the subject interests them enough, as I will be re-writing them instead of just translating.Translation happens to be way harder then just doing things in multiple languages1.

Please feel free to follow the site’s RSS feed(s) if you find things that interest you and wish to see more when things get released. Especially since some articles (including the one that will shortly follow this) will be in the form of multi-part series.

  1. Which I might rant about it in a later post, I’ll make sure to come back and link it here if it ends up happening. ↩︎